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Datastream - How to retrieve all series that match my filters or categories?

I want to pull time series data for Datastream mnemonics that match a certain criteria.

Datastream interface/desktop has categories for time series that allow you to filter your search to the relevant results. For example you can search for all time series that match: Type=Commodities, Country=USA, Activity=Dead,Settlement Date=Continuous etc. and that gives you a list of all the time series that match your criteria.

How can I do that with the Datastream API or DSWS? Is there a "search" functionality for Datastream?

I'd like for example to use ds.get_data of all the instruments that match my criteria, so I don't have to put all the names into my code manually

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

The API provides the lookup feature.

df1 = ds.get_data(tickers="Thailand", fields=["DS.SYMBOLLOOKUP(Count=100)"],  kind=0)

However, DS.SYMBOLLOOKUP provides limited functionality and clients are advised to use Navigator as a tool for symbology requests.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.