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RCC/Websocket API - Field used for close price contribution

I'm using RCC via Websocket API to post Equity Indices data to Refinitiv, using python.

I'm able to connect to UAT correctly and it seems that the data went through

      "DSPLY_NAME":"Hello RCC",

Now to contribute close price / last price what would be the best field to use ?

Having a field list documentation would be helpful

I've looked into the Websocket API Protocol Specification but I can't find it there (

Thanks for your help

#product#contentpython apiwebsocketsindexrcc-apircc
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Thank you for reaching out to us.

It could be the TRDPRC_1 field. However, you need to contact the content support team directly via MyRefinitiv to confirm it.

You can also use the Data Model Discovery tool to list all available fields.


You can search for 4408 which is the CONTEXT_ID of this RIC.


1698379050762.png (450.6 KiB)
1698379109373.png (38.2 KiB)
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10 |1500

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