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Analyst estimates on semiannual basis.

I'm getting the correct data for quarterly estimates.

df,err = ek.get_data(
instruments = ['MSFT.O'],
fields = ['TR.EPSMean.periodenddate','TR.EPSMean','TR.EPSMean.date','TR.RevenueMean', 'TR.NetProfitMean'],

But for UK companies which are giving earnings on a semiannual basis I'm facing the issue. I Tried changing the period to FS0,FS1,ES0,ES1 as a period parameter and also changed the frequency parameter to FS.

But not getting the relevant data. How can I do that? Please assist with this

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Hi @vishnu01,

May I ask if the TR.F fields (that are somewhat new in LSEG's databases) fullfill your demand? I believe that they ought to provide semiannual data when it's released by companies:



import pandas as pd
import refinitiv.data as rd
df: pd.DataFrame = rd.get_history(
    universe = "LSEG.L",
    fields = ['TR.F.EPSBasicExclExordItemsNormTot(SDate=0,EDate=-3,Period=FS0,Frq=FS)'],
    # interval='tick',
    # start='2023-10-30T10:00:00Z',
    # end='2023-11-01T18:00:00Z'
    # parameters = {'SDate': '2021-10-01'}, # , 'EDate': 1


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Hi, Thank you for the response . I'm not using the RD library I'm using the Refinitiv eikon. And with EPS I also want to get the Net_income and Revenue like suppose the period end date is 2023-06-22 and earnings release date is 2023-08-24 . So I want to fetch the revision of statistical average of all broker estimates on semiannual for UK listed companies. for quarterly I'm using the above formula and getting relevant result. please assist with that,

Hi @vishnu01, the RD library can be thought of as Refinitiv Eikon Data API (EDAPI) version 2; TR.F fields will work for both libraries. Your question is therefore a content question.
This Developer Q&A Forum is for technical LSEG API questions; for content quesitons, please reach out to my.refinitiv.com.

Hello @jonathan.legrand , thank you for the response but the code you provided not meeting my requirements. I want to fetch the statistical average of all broker estimates (Eps, Revenue, and Net Income ) and their revisions (in between the period end date and date before earnings release) from 2010-01-01 to 2023-11-07 for the UK listed stock like 'VMUK.L' or the companies which releases earnings on semiannual basis. How can I get them ?

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