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How can I use python to get issued bonds of an issuer for a given issuer's Ticker?

For example, I want to get the bonds issued by BABA, I can use Advanced Search app or debt structure of BABA to see the results on eikon workspace, but how can I get those bonds by python eikon api?

the results are just like the picture shows:

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Hi @sunminghui

You can use Search capabilities of Refinitiv Data Libraries for Python. The best way to get the query is to use the Advanced Search app itself. You can build the filters in the Advanced Search, the export the query as shown below:


After you copy the code from the below output and run it in codebook or in your local IDE, it should provide the same output as you see in Advanced Search app.


See the code below:

import refinitiv.data as rd

    view = rd.discovery.Views.GOV_CORP_INSTRUMENTS,
    top = 10,
    filter = "((DbType eq 'GOVT' or DbType eq 'CORP' or DbType eq 'AGNC' or DbType eq 'OMUN' or DbType eq 'OTHR') and IsActive eq true and ((IssuerOrgid eq '100906681')))",
    select = "RIC,EJVAssetID,DTSubjectName,BusinessEntity,PI,SearchAllCategoryv3,SearchAllCategoryv2,SearchAllCategory,DBSTicker,CouponRate,MaturityDate,IssueDate,ISIN,RCSCurrencyLeaf,RCSCountryLeaf,DbTypeDescription,InstrumentTypeDescription,RCSCouponTypeGenealogy,FaceIssuedUSD,RCSBondGradeLeaf,IssuerOrgid"

Hope this helps, let me know if any further questions.

Best regards,


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Hi Haykaz,

thank you for your kind answer! This is very useful to me, but I noticed that the code contains "IssuerOrgid eq '100906681'', which I guess the IssuerOrgid of BABA is 100906681, and I didn't know it before using AS. So how can I get the IssuerOrgid 100906681 by the Ticker BABA?

Hi @sunminghui ,

You can get the org id using the following code:

rd.get_data('BABA.K', fields  = 'TR.CDSRefEntOrgID')

Generally, to find the fields you can use Data Item Browser by typing DIB inside Workspace/Eikon.

In addition, you can org perm id as well in the search like (IssuerOAPermID eq '5000066483'). And the perm id along with some other identifiers can be found using the following code:

import refinitiv.data as rd
from refinitiv.data.discovery import convert_symbols
response = convert_symbols(symbols=["BABA.K"])

Best regards,


Got it. That's very helpful to me, thank you very much!

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