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Retrieve Equity Index Info via fuzzy search on RDP

Hi Team, Hi Nick


is there any reason why the below query gives results on Advanced Search Tool of EIKON, but not in RDP?

Also, how can I get the constituents (and weights thereof) of whatever Equity Index that comes out of the query below?

import refinitiv.dataplatform as rdp


sFilter = "( SearchAllCategoryv2 eq 'Indices' and ((CommonName eq 'MSCI All Country World')))"

sSelect = "RIC, CommonName,ConstituentExchangeName,IssuerCommonName,BusinessEntity,PrimaryChainRIC,RCSAssetCategoryLeaf,RCSIndexCountryGroupLeaf"

GroupSize = 5000

res = rd.discovery.search(view = rd.discovery.Views.INDEX_INSTRUMENTS, filter=sFilter, query = sSelect) # INDEX_INSTRUMENTS




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Hi @grigorios.mamalis

You need to replace 'query' with 'select' in your request.

res = rd.discovery.search(view = rd.discovery.Views.INDEX_INSTRUMENTS, filter=sFilter, select = sSelect) 

MSCI indices constituents are not available in Eikon/Refinitiv Workspace. That should be possible with Refinitiv Eikon Datastream product.

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Hi @m.bunkowski ,

many thanks for the help/correction/info. My bad.

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