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How to automatically download a list of domestic investment trusts using python

Hi,I want to automatically download a list of domestic investment trusts list everyday

using task scheduler.

I'd like to run it by python. so I got embeddable python.

I think local batch.bat files should call that local test.py.


import refinitiv.dataplatform.eikon as ek

import numpy as np


data = ek.get_timeseries(rics='.N225',interval='daily',count=30) ←example


but how do I get [refinitiv.dataplatform.eikon] library file?

Thank you.

eikon-data-api#technologypython apitask-scheduler
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Hi @grenpark06,

I would suggest reading the documentation for the Refinitiv Data Library for Python (RD Lib. for Python). On the Documentation page, you will find the examples tab, that leads to this GitHub repo which mentions that "This library is supported and maintained by Refinitiv and is available on PyPi at https://pypi.org/project/refinitiv-data/", meaning that you can pip install this library.
Please pip install `refinitiv-data`, from which you will be able to find the `eikon` module.

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