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RIC search & match

As part of a python process. I need to find all available rics associated with a list of a mix of cusips and isins. Ideally, I'm looking for an API from the playground or a particular endpoint. I, unfortunately, have not been able to find one.



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Hi Nick

I was able to successfully get my ric by using the discover/search/v1/ endpoint.

API Playground (

Appreciate your help with this issue.

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Great news - thanks for letting us know.


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Have you had a look at the DIB? does it provide you with what you are after?

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Hi Jonathan,

Thank you for sharing the video; it was very instructive! Unfortunately, we are looking to move away from the ek library and want to target the specific URLs where we post POST requests to get the associated RICs' quotes.

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If you are interested in using a Python Library, I would suggest you look at the Data Library for Python. You can see an example of converting symbols::

Below is an example of a mix of ISIN and CUSIPs to convert to the corresponding RIC


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Hi Nick,

Appreciate the reference. Unfortunately, we are looking for contributor rics' quotes associated with a bond list, not the security's RIC itself.

19k 85 39 63


It might be helpful if you provide an example (ISIN or CUSIP) and what you expect to receive. With that I can do some additional investigation. The service that will likely provide the answers will by the Symbology endpoint capability - you can see more details within the RDP Playground.

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