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Error invalid_grant when calling RDP APIs simultaneously

Hi Developer Advocate,

We are using RDP APIs with two user-ids for different services as follows:

  • User 1: data-store/v1/graphql and discovery/symbology/v1/lookup, Approx time token first generated = 23:31, result = PASS
  • User 2: alerts/v1/news-stories-subscriptions and data/news/v1/metadata, Approx time token first generated = 23:32, result = FAIL

Just to confirm the timeline of the issue:

  1. Generate a new access token for Filings
  2. Generate a new access token for News (a few milliseconds after Filings)
  3. After approx. 10 mins we refresh the news event token and this causes the job failure
  4. Filings continues to run and refresh logic seems to work ok for Filings (assume maybe as it was the first to establish a connection)

User 2 got the following errors:

23:40:28.282 [main] INFO RefinitivAPIConnection - Credentials provided, attempting to connect to
23:40:29.175 [main] ERROR RefinitivAPIConnection - Error! No refresh token in response: {"error":"invalid_grant"}

Could you please advise what cause this issue and the next step?

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Hello @John Martin

Thank for reaching out to us. The {"error":"invalid_grant"} error message is returned from the RDP APIs. It indicates that the application uses an invalidated refresh token with the refresh grant authentication.

Based on the Limitations and Guidelines for the RDP Authentication Service, each account has only one active session. A refresh token will be invalidated if other applications/sessions use the same account with the password grant authentication to get a new refresh and access token.

To verify User 2 account session when the problem occurred, I strongly suggest you contact the RDP support team directly to verify why the session got "invalid grant" error. You can contact the team via website.


Please note that if User 2 uses the same account for other RDP-related services (like the RTO) on the same time as RDP services, the applications may encounter an error when an access token expires or when the applications attempt to refresh an access token.

It is advisable to use multiple Machine-IDs/User-IDs if the client wants to run multiple applications/sessions.

I hope this information helps.

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