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How can I fix this error?

All, I have a problem I dont understand how to pull time series data using the refinitiv API. Does anyone have any idea how to do this? I am after macro data, instead of equity and FX prices, which seem to be in all the online examples. ts-data.png

Many thanks


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Hi @alex.nae01

I've tried to narrow down what historical data is available for this specific instrument and all I was able to come up with is the following execution:

It is not clear to me what the 'VALUE' represents.

This site can help with the usage of our APIs but unfortunately, we are not experts in the data and what historical content would be captured for this instrument. I would suggest you reach out to the helpdesk within your Workspace environment by accessing the "Get Help & Support" menu option - you can access by the F1 hotkey. I would frame your question around what historical content is available as opposed to the specific API call. They may suggest that all is available is the above monthly details - best they confirm.

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Hi Nick, thank you for your reply on this. I have since found out that the Eikon API is specifically used to gather data and does not have the ability to create time series data. Thank you very much for taking the time to look into this for me.

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