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eikon.eikonError.EikonError: Error code 400 | Backend error. 400 Bad Request second day in a row

Hello team,

I'm using the eikon Python API library to get some economic data from the terminal. For the second day in a row and throughout the day, the error “eikon.eikonError.EikonError: Error code 400 | Backend error. 400 Bad Request.” I've read previous topics about the system being full, but I barely use the eicon terminal, I can't flood the system. Could you please check if everything is ok with the servers or if there is an error on my side.

import eikon as ek

ek.set_app_key("my token")
data, e = ek.get_data(["AUBCAP=ECI", "AUBLD=ECI", and another 100 elements], ["Relevance", "ECI_ACT_DT", "VALUE_TS1", "Country", "DSPLY_NMLL", "TR.IndicatorType", "RTR_POLL", "SEC_ACT_1", "ECON_ACT", "TR.IndicatorUnit", "FCAST_ACRY", "ECON_PRIOR"])

version of python library 1.1.18

version of eicon tm 4.0.56.


logs not telling me much. for example at the time when error happened logs on screenshot.


I can give more detailed logs if you give me a clue how to switch on debug level, info on website seems to be taken from the old versions.

eikoneikon-data-apiworkspace#technologypython apierror-400
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and it happened again today morning.

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Hello @alexander.melnikov

I have checked your code. The code is valid.

The "Error code 400 | Backend error. 400 Bad Request.” is mentioned in the Eikon Data API Usage and Limits Guideline that a request fails because the platform is overwhelmed. You may try the following points with you code:

  • Catch this exception and try to get the data after waiting for few minutes.
  • Reduce a number of requests RICs by splitting the initial request into smaller requests and resending them.

If the problem still occurs after you have waited for few minutes and reduce a number of requests, you may submit a support ticket to the Workspace/Eikon team to verify the issue on the Eikon side. You can submit a support ticket via https://my.refinitiv.com/content/mytr/en/helpandsupport.html link.


icon clock
10 |1500

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Actually, it is happening three days in a row at different times. I divided the requests into small pieces, but it also only worked at the time when the initial request had passed. I also spoke with the support team in the eicon terminal chat, and they told me the issue is on the API side. Is it worth asking them the second time, or are you talking about another support team? Because if these are the same guys, there is no point in asking them the same question, at least from my side.
anyway I created the ticket, let's see.

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