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refinitiv in excel


I have created a formula for the last trade prices, but I can't make the interval show in seconds instead of minutes. Is there any way to do this?
=@RHistory($A$2:$A$15,"TRDPRC_1.Timestamp;TRDPRC_1.Close;TRDPRC_1.Open","START:"&$C$3&" END:"&$D$3&" CODE:SEDOL INTERVAL:1M",,"TSREPEAT:NO CH:IN;Fd",D8)

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Hi @itkachivska, have you had a look at the training online, or the articles on the Developer Portal? If these are insuficient, would you mind letting us know (i) which version or Workspace Excel or Eikon Excel you are using and (ii) an example SEDOL for an instrument you are interested in, and (iii) what CD & PD stand for?

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@itkachivska Thanks for your question - this is a forum for programmatic usage of APIs - it seems you have an in-product question - does this work for you?


You can also use the formula builder app in Excel which can automatically build the formula for you if you put in some certain instrument, fields and parameters - all the guidance is provided by the app itself. If you need more support for in product queries - please click the Contact Us menu item (under Helios menu in Eikon) or Get Help & Support menu item (under ? menu in Workspace) to open a ticket.

I hope this can help.

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