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Historical Dataset is wrong in Python.


Today, I tried to get Average Price of RIC : CMZN0 on January, 2024 and get Daily Price then sum all of them and divide for average on January, 2024 so that I wanted to see entire provided data is correct.

However, it does not provide same dataset between them.

Here is what i got:



I think it has to be the same these data.

Or i assume that 'TR.OFFICIALASKPRICE' and 'TRDPRC_1' fields are showing different data.

I was told these fields are displaying same data so i am using like this.

If i was wrong, Please could you tell me what fields i can use when using 'get_history' function?

Here is the code i used in python:

history = rd.get_history(["CMZN0"],["TRDPRC_1","TR.OFFICIALASKPRICE"],end='2024-01-25',interval='daily', count=30)


Thank you in advance.

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Hi @jwlee08 ,

Thank you for your patience, could you try the field OFF_ASK to retrieve this data

history = rd.get_history(["CMZN0"],['OFF_ASK'],start='2024-01-01',end='2024-01-25',interval='daily', count=30)


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Thank you for reaching out to us.

I don't have permission to access this RIC so I can't verify the data. However, if you don't specify the fields parameter, the response will contain all available real-time fields for this RIC.

history = rd.get_history(["CMZN0"],end='2024-01-25',interval='daily', count=30)

After that, you can check which field that can provide the official ask values.

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I already tried that without specific fields but it gives me the same as the picture i posted...

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