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MarketPrice domain connection loss

@Ron Bove

At 04:49UTC on 27th January, we received a status message with no state on all the connections using the uat_puffin login:



domain="MarketPrice Domain"

itemGroup="00 f8"






I think the RIC is irrelevant, because it happened at exactly the same time on all connections, with different RICs.

It feels that the connection has died, because at the moment, we are responding to messages like this by uninitializing the OmmConsumer and creating a new one to reconnect, but we fail on the first step with this error:

OmmConsumerImpl loggerMsg

ClientName: EmaConsumer_2

Severity: Error

Text: Failed to uninitialize OmmBaseImpl (_executor.awaitTermination() timed out).


This is leaving us stuck until we manually do a complete restart of our application.

Are you able to give any advice on what the status message represents? And why we are unable to uninitialize the consumer?

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Hi @malcolm.cudworth,

You haven't captured enough information in the status message. If your application is able to reproduce this error, then please turn on the OMM logs from SDK which should contain the reason and the ststus code.

If the connection had failed, then once it resumes, the OMMConsumer automatically re-connects. The SDK takes care of re-subscribing to all the open items on applications behalf. Since your application is connecting to local market data system, you can probably see the reason for this status/connection loss in the ADS logs as well.

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Hello @malcolm.cudworth

About how to turn on the OMM logs, please see the "Logger Configuration" section of the Enterprise Message API (EMA) - Configuration Overview article.

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Typically, a status message can convey changes in:

  • stream state or data state
  • stream's permisioning information
  • item group

According to your information (a status message with no state), a status messgae may convey changes in an item group. However, it is better to contact the server team to confirm this.

Regarding the error message, I checked the code on GitHub and found that the API will report this error if it can't shutdown the executor within the SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS (3 seconds). I assume that the API may be still dispatching messages to the applicaiton.

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