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PropertyNames for 'filter'

Hi! I was following a previous recommendation to utilize the Search API for my project. The integration has been successful, but I've encountered an obstacle with configuring the filters. Specifically, I am having difficulty identifying the appropriate PropertyNames to use within the "filter" parameter, as these were not detailed in the documentation provided, particularly in the Building Search into your Application Workflow. Where can I find the section of the documentation that lists the available PropertyNames.

Thank you in advance!

python#contentpython apisearchcodebookrefinitiv-dataplatform-libraries
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Hi @vitali

The Property Names are defined within the Metadata section of that article. There are many hundreds of Properties which can be retrieved via the metadata API. Within the "related articles" section, you will see a reference to "build queries easily using the Search API...". That article is very useful to pull down and hunt for properties for you to access within your Searches. Because the Search environment is very rich and powerful, that article hopefully provides a better way for developers to figure out how to pull down the appropriate property names for use.

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