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Different results from get_data request depending on session type

Hi all,

I was previously helped by being shown the difference of a desktop session vs platform session and wanted to convert my rd.get_data() requests to exploit the benefits of a platform session over a desktop session.

In doing so I've encountered two anomalies I wanted to see if I could get some clarity on.

1) Parameters

Using the same list of fields and associated parameters resulted in multiple errors. As I'm working off old code form a colleague I'm not sure what all the parameters do, but it seems weird that parameters passed using a desktop session cause errors when using a platform session.

I found that 'CH', 'RH', 'NULL' and 'Transpose' throws a 'Error code -1) error.


Omitting these erroneous parameters allowed me to extract the data but I noticed another difference. I'll illustrate with the two sections of code shown below:



the sole difference (to my understanding) here being that the top snippet is using a default desktop session and the bottom a custom platform session.

The results of these snippets differ in that the top will return all years even if there is no data available (desired output), whereas the botton snippet only returns data for the years where data is available (undesired outcome).

My question is whether these problems are caused by a fault from my side? If not, what is causing this or in what way can I best remedy this?

Thanks in advance!

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

Yes, you are correct. The results are different. I used the following code.


This is the output form the desktop session.


This is the output from the RDP session.


However, this developer forum is for questions on and general discussions of Refinitiv APIs.

To verify the content, please contact the helpdesk team directly via MyRefinitiv.

I have tried to submit this issue on your behalf but the system didn't create a ticket number. Therefore, please try to submit this issue via MyRefinitiv.

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Now, I can sumit this query on your behalf. The case number is 13307519.

The support team will contact you regarding this issue.

Thank you very much!
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For those curious as to what the results look like I've attached the results for a default desktop session below:


And the results for a custom platform session below:


the problem caused here is that when extracting multiple variables in a single get_data() call the data and years don't necessarily matchup meaning the data in the dataframe is in essence worthless.

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