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RDP API stalling often: Is the whole Infrastructure broken since about last November??

Am I the only one??

Since about last November, I have random issues with RDP just simply stalling.

The help I get from LSEG is also ... stalling, evasive, asking for all sorts of information then saying it is fixed, but it isn't.

"Good day! I trust this email finds you well.
This is [], Technical Specialist and I am going to assist you from here while Josh is not available.
Regarding your questions this issue is a limitation of Eikon API / UDF. Customers globally are impacted by this issue.
The necessary changes has been implemented by our Developers Team internally to make sure that it it will not happen again. We advised to send smaller requests (less amount of RICs per request) or move to RDP Refinitiv Data Platform.
Let me know if you have any other question. ..."

I suspect authentication issues and it mainly affects fundamental data and portfolio/watchlist content:


rd.content.fundamental_and_reference.Definition(universe=RICS, fields=FIELDS).get_data()

It is either working or not, no code changes here, no system changes, no changes from my side.

Totally unreliable.

Here are is a snippet from the LOG file


System tests in workspace are ok

This has costing me dozens of hours for the last few months.

Anybody having a smart idea except moving back to Bloomberg?


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@the.swiss Thanks for your co-operation on this - there were some backend issues affecting performance recently. Thanks for highlighting in detail what was taking time and failing etc. After speaking to the team responsible for this service - we have implemented some changes on the server-side last week and performance and stability is greatly improved since then. I hope this has helped.

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@the.swiss Hi - really sorry to hear of your issues - I am going to go through the tickets you have raised recently - I noticed @Jirapongse has also helped you previously on the code side on this Q&A portal. Please bear with me for a bit. I havent seen your code yet but are you using try-except blocks to catch server errors and then to represent that calls that are failing? Also may I know what time and timezone you are running these updates (ie is it a regular time or ad hoc)? Thanks in advance.

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