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How to get investment trusts list in Eikon api?

Hi,I want to get a list of domestic investment trusts in Python using Eikon Data api.

Q1.Could you teach me how to write python code when I get all columns?

like ek.getdata([JPFUND],[XXXXXX])

Q2.Could you teach me how to write python code when I get selected columns?

like ek.getdata([JPFUND],[Lipper RIC,AssetName,ISIN Code])

Q3.Can I get Japanese character AssetName?

thank you.

#technologypython apifunds
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Hi @grenpark06 ,

Search function in RD library (the example code can be found here) identifies a matching set of documents which satisfy the caller's criteria, sorts it, and selects a subset of the matches to return as the result. To form Python code of the search function, you can also use Advanced Search, which is an application available in Eikon Desktop/ Refinitiv Workspace app, more detail can be found at Find content and functionality using Refinitiv Data Library with Eikon Advanced Search

For example, from the criteria below in advanced search


The query will be generated as

import refinitiv.data as rd

# search
df = rd.discovery.search(
view = rd.discovery.Views.FUND_QUOTES,
top = 1000,
filter = "(AssetState ne 'DC' and IsPrimaryIssueRIC eq true and SearchAllCategoryv2 eq 'Funds' and (RCSIssueCountryRegisteredForSale xeq 'G:41'))",
select = "DTSubjectName,RIC,BusinessEntity,PI,SearchAllCategoryv3,SearchAllCategoryv2,SearchAllCategory,IssueISIN,IssueLipperGlobalSchemeName,RCSAssetCategoryLeaf,RCSIssuerDomicileCountryLeaf,RCSIssueCountryRegisteredForSale,RCSCurrencyLeaf,ExchangeName,iNAVRIC"

# get RICs list from the result
rics_list = df['RIC'].to_list()

# retrieve data (all columns, pass Python list of Instrument into the get_data function)
data_df = rd.get_data(rics_list)

# retrieve data (selected columns, add a Python list of selected fields to get the data)
data_2_df = rd.get_data(rics_list, ['DSPLY_NAME', 'TRDPRC_1'])

and here's the result, is this what you're looking for?


I hope this can help

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1709023913164.png (83.6 KiB)
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Hi @grenpark06 ,

I would like to just provide some feedbacks on the non-technical aspects of your questions as I think some of your described needs are not feasible via Eikon API and these are only available on RDP Funds API and other products at this stage.

Q1. If you want to search for fields that is supported by Lipper (i.e., data from fund management companies), you can search in the Data Item Browser (DIB) in Eikon/Workspace desktop. All item name starts with “TR.Fund” should be fields provided by Lipper. E.g. TR.FundName, TR.FundNAV, etc.

Q2. If you use Codebook in Eikon/Workspace, you can try using Python to get the fund data. E.g. below is a sample code for getting historical NAV of a fund. If you are talking about other libraries, then I hope someone familiar with the Eikon API can help.

import eikon as ek
ek.set_app_key('XXXX your app key XXXX')
fund_id = 'LP60000012'
fund_nav = ek.get_data(fund_id, ['TR.FundNAV(SDate=20240201, EDate=20240226, Curn=Native)'])

Q3. Local language data is only available in other products such as RDP Funds API, Lipper data feeds or desktop apps. such as Fund Screener on Eikon/Worksapce (FSCREEN) or Lipper Investment Management.

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thank you bob.lee.I was so shocked. since last year, I want to automatically get fund list and keep asking at here. answers recommended that I use python(not VBA) and eikon api or rdp api. and I leaned.

but your answer means I can't get funds list automatically what I leaned.

what is RDP Funds API?

and Can I get funds list by EIKON API somehow, like partial match search or Loop Search without fund_id?

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@grenpark06 , I do not aware there is an Eikon API function for fund screening/filtering. Eikon API was designed to get some basic fund data given a fund identifier rather than screen for a list of funds. * I may not be correct, may be there is a way to do it indirectly such as via some RIC pages. For that, I hope someone else can provide help to you if they know better.

RDP Funds API is a separate service, not part of the Eikon/Workspace desktop service. It is a REST API that you raise a query with access token to get the information you want in JSON format. You can use Python to access the RDP Finds API. Actually, you can use any programming language you like, as it is just a REST API over HTTPS protocol. If you more information about RDP Funds API, please check with the account manager supporting your organisation. If you are an internal user, please check with the Lipper Desktop Product team. RDP Funds API can screen for funds like based on domicile, registered for sale or other attributes such as asset types, classifications.

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