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What are the correct filed names for the Volume and Last Trade to get get_timeseries in Python?

I am using this instruction in Python to get tas data = ek.get_timeseries( "EMAR.DU", fields = ['LastTrade', "Volume", 'VWAP', 'Bid', 'BidSize', 'Ask', 'AskSize'], start_date='2024-02-28T00:00:00', end_date='2024-03-04T23:59:59', interval = 'tas', ) It is working for all the fields except 'LastTrade' abd "Volume". What are the correct filed names for the Volume and Last Trade? ‘Last’ and ‘Volume’ are still not working for get_timeseries.

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@jeane.samson.refinitiv So the older Eikon Data API get_timeseries method uses an older service with a reduced datamodel :

                  interval = 'tick'


Our newer Refinitiv Data Libraries provide a get_history function which uses a new service with an improved data model :

!pip install refinitiv-data
import refinitiv.data as rd
               start = '2024-02-28T00:00:00', 
               end = '2024-03-04T23:59:59')


Here you can see a much expanded return - from here you can then close things down by selecting the fields you require. Here TRDPRC_1 is the traded price field, and the quote fields provide BID,BIDSIZE,ASK,ASKSIZE and an updated VWAP is reported with each trade. I hope this can help.

I hope this can help.

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