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API response pulls the request, but on the step of the merger- it is not consistent.

API Code.txtIssue: API response pulls the request, but on the step of the merger, it is not consistent - meaning that after client gets the "memory error", When he run the chunk again, it works fine sometimes. It changes from one RIC to another. Please see attached API code. Thank you.

eikon-data-api#technologyapipython api
api-code.txt (2.3 KiB)
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Hi @mae.diaz ,

Based on the screenshot above, the error is not related to the APIs but rather it is a pandas merge operation issue indicating that Python is trying to create an array that is too large for the available memory in the environment.

Since this is not related to the API calls, I am afraid we can't help much. One general advice would be chunking the dataframe in much smaller chunks or using pd.concat which might be more memory-efficient function.

Best regards,


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I see, let me share this finding to the client. Thank you for checking.

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