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[ Python API] How can I request Internal RIC via ATS source using the get_data function ?


How Can I get internal RICs data using API ?

When requesting global data, it works very well like the script below :

import as rd
rd.open_session(app_key = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx')
data = rd.get_data(universe=["XXX"],fields = ["BID"])

Now I wanna do the same thing, but this time to get data from an Internal RIC via ATS.

PS: In Excel I am able to run the following formula: =RtGet("ATS", "INTERNAL_RIC", "BID") To get access to a quote from an internal instrument and =RtGet("IDN";"RIC";"BID") for the other instruments.

Please find the same question here with no solution :

Thanks and regards,

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Hi @malaouiismaili,

You will not be able to get data from ATS using the Desktop session within RD Library.

You may be able to get data using Websockets API or using Platform session in RD Library and requesting Streaming Pricing, if the websocket interface is enabled on your RTMDS, and you have network connectivity to ADS.

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Hello @malaouiismaili

If you are using the Data library, please see my colleagues answers on this Python API , how to query internal RIC (ATS) old post.

However, the Desktop session (with Workspace) does not support this feature as mentioned by my colleague above.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.