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Is it possible to get the results of the get_data function on a daily basis?

I want to retrieve data as Daily using get_data for the combination of target RIC and Field as follows. To do this, it seems I need to understand how to use parameters, but is there a separate guide for all the cases of parameters?

I couldn't find information about parameters even in the official documentation provided at https://developers.lseg.com/en/api-catalog/eikon/eikon-data-api/documentation#eikon-data-api-usage-and-limits-guideline, so I'm posting this question.


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Hi @sjh0724,

I would advise using the new library with get_history:

import refinitiv.data as rd

df = rd.get_history(
    universe=['LSEG.L', 'MSFT.O'],
    fields=["BID", "ASK", "TR.Revenue"],


Else you may want to use the DIB, and you will see the parameters appear in the field names as you select and specify them - at the bottom right:


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I apologize for the delay in response. It seems that the data structure didn't allow for collecting Daily Data for TR.RevenueEstValue as originally intended. Therefore, I resolved the issue by using Mean data as a substitute.

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