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Connecting TH API with Geneva & Paxus

Hello Team!

A client is asking what the steps are to connect TH API to Geneva & Paxus API.

This is what the client sent: "Please provide details on the technical side of connecting the Tick History account to Geneva and Paxus and identify any potential issue."


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Thank you for reaching out to us.

I assumed that it is about LSEG Tick History REST API.

LSEG Tick History REST API supports REST standard so any programming laguages and tools that support REST standard can use Tick History REST API to retieve data from LSEG Tick History.

I don't know what Geneva & Paxus API is but if it can perform HTTP requests with REST standard, it can retrieve data from LSEG Tick History.

Otherwise, the client develops a script with Python that uses Tick History REST API to retreive csv files from LSEG Tick History and then imports the csv files to the system that uses Geneva & Paxus API.

However, it is better to contact the solution or product team to discuss this use case.

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Thank you!

Yes, this is about Tick History Rest API.

When you suggest contacting the solution or product team, do you happen to have their email address or any point of contact?

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Please contact the client's account or sales team regarding the contact points.

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