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is it possible, using the API that the database provides, to Download the Documents & Notes related to a green bond? or must this procedure be done manually?

I am fairly confident in downloading data related to green bonds, but I can't figure out if there is a way to also be able to download other data related to other areas of the bond interface to the database. I can't find any tickers or indicators that I can plug into python. I need to know if, in this case, downloading documents related to green bonds is possible in large quantities and at the same time avoiding that I have to do this work manually

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

As far as I know, the Refinitiv Data Platform provides the Client File Store (service) which houses and makes available content file stores from publisher repositories.

The approach to selecting and downloading the required content is largely common, some filtering options are specific to a particular content set. However, I am not sure if the requried data is available on CFS.

You may contact your LSEG account or sales team directly to check the availability of the required data. For more information regarding CFS, please refer to the following materials.

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Thank you very much for your reply.

In the end I still managed to solve it more or less manually. The procedure I intended to perform was not actually feasible through the use of the API. I thank you anyway for your answer.

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