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Searchlight for bonds

Hi there,

i want to know how to filter out by using searchlight endpoint for top5 Issue amount of US corporate bonds (Apple as an example)

Thanks for your help in advance.

#productbondssearchrdp search
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Hi @Jessie Deng ,

Do you have an access to search endpoint? as I cannot find the property of issued amount in Search light.

If so, you can follow this article to get the property and query to be used with search endpoint


  "View": "GovCorpInstruments",
  "Filter": "IsActive eq true and (RCSCountryOfIncorporationGenealogy eq 'M:DQ\\G:AM\\G:6J')",
  "OrderBy": "FaceIssuedUSD desc",
  "Select": "DocumentTitle, RIC, FaceIssuedUSD"


Is this what you're looking for? of please let me know in case you don't have an access to /discovery/search/v1 endpoint. If so, I'll try to find the proper property name to be used in the searchlight if it's possible.

1712046768159.png (85.4 KiB)
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10 |1500

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Thank you @raksina.samasiri , let me try it!

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