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Problems overnight connecting to RDP with RTSDK

We run an application that stays up 24/7 connected to RDP. The app is written in C++ using ETA.

Roughly once a week we will be disconnected by RDP and then be unable to reconnect until we restart our application. We think perhaps something within the OpenSSL library is not being cleaned up when we call rsslCloseChannel after the disconnection and is subsequently preventing rsslConnect from returning a channel.

We would be grateful for any help with this issue.

ETA details are as follows : version=eta3.7.2.L1 internal=eta3.7.2.0 date= Mon Dec 11 16:26:10 CST 2023

Here is an excerpt from the log file.

2024-03-15T00:51:38.651Z : INFO: subsession: Attempting connection to

2024-03-15T00:51:38.695Z : WARN: subsession: Unable to connect [-1 RSSL_RET_FAILURE,115] <ripcsslutils.c:1384> Error: 2000 ripcSSLSetupCTXClient() failed to create new context (errno 115)OpenSSL Error string: error:140A90F1:lib(20):func(169):reason(241):ssl_lib.c:1975:

2024-03-15T00:51:38.695Z : WARN: subsession: No RSSL Hosts accepted the connection request

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Normally Developer Community Forum is for how-to/general questions but your question seems to be more complex and requires investigation e.g. review source code, configuration, try to reproduce the problem etc.

I recommend you raise a query through the premium support service. If you are a named user of that service you should see a link "Contact Premium Support" when you are logged into the developer portal.

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

As far as I know, ETA supports Real-Time Optimized (Consuming Data from the Cloud) through the RsslReactor in the ETA Value Added package. Please check the VAConsumer example in the package.

Moreover, RsslReactor can reconnect to the server when it can detect a disconnection so the application that uses RsslReactor doesn't need to close and recreate a new connection.

You have mentioned the rsslCloseChannel and rsslConnect functions in the question.

Have you used ETA to consume real-time data from Real-Time Optimized without using the RsslReactor in the ETA Value Added package?

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We've never used RsslReactor in the past and have no plans to rewrite our application to use it.

Currently our application connects and runs fine, consuming data from the cloud.

It's only when our socket connection is closed by the remote end and we attempt to reconnect that we end up with this problem.

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