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While using RDP API,

get_dtd = rd.get_data(

universe= ["ACERLNGBM"],

fields= ["TRDPRC_1", "INST_DESC", "HST_CLOSE"])

I am getting the attached error. I am using a platform session. Please help me to fix this ASAP.



ws-error.png (23.5 KiB)
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Hi @sreedhanya.kavunkara,

Thank you for sharing the error code `Error code -1 | Cannot delete stream connection, because it is using (content_type=ContentType.STREAMING_PRICING`. It suggests that the issue comes from the loggin method, the 'Platform Session' method in this case. May I ask: How do you authenticate yourself to the LSEG service? Via a piece of code like `rd.open_sessin()` ?

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To verify the problem, you need to enable logging in the library by using the following code.

config = rd.get_config()
config.set_param("logs.transports.file.enabled", True)
config.set_param("", "refinitiv-data-lib.log")
config.set_param("logs.level", "debug")
rd.get_data(universe= ["ACERLNGBM"],fields= ["TRDPRC_1", "INST_DESC", "HST_CLOSE"])

Then, the refinitiv-data-lib.log file will be created. Please share this log file.

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Yes. I am using rd.open_session(). We wanted to use RDP API for a part of prodduction process. As I pinged you in chat, we have a few more questions. I can explain you the business case and you can help us with how to get it going..

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Can you please suggest how can I resolve this issue. I prefer to use the 'Platform' session itself.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.