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Date stamping of Weekly bars does not match the chart in Workspace

When requesting Weekly bars for AAPL.O from the Summaries API, using either Interval.P1W or Interval.P7D, the date stamps on the returned summarized bars don't match what is displayed in the Workspace chart. If TimestampLabel.startPeriod is specified the bars are stamped on Saturday, and if TimestampLabel.endPeriod is specified the bars are stamped on Friday. The chart in Workspace shows the bars stamped on Monday. Is there a way through the Summaries API to have stamps match the Workspace chart?

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

The data from RDP when using endPeriod is similar to Eikon Chart (Friday).



It is better to check with the Workspace team why it uses Monday or you can contact the Historical Pricing API support team via MyRefinitiv for the parameters in RDP.

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