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Symbology API using Postman

I want to extract Primary RIC from PermID, for this I have written a JSON in API playground using Symbology API but due to small batch size of API playground I want to use POST request in Postman to extract the same.

Can you list out the ways to do it using Postman.

JSON I am using is as follows:


"from": [


"identifierTypes": [



"values": [





"to": [


"identifierTypes": [





"reference": [





"route": "FindPrimaryRic",

"type": "predefined"


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Thank you for reaching out to us.

We have provided RDP Postman examples on the LSEG Developer Community.

You can import the RDP Postman Starter Collection and Tutorial Samples to the Postman.

Then, check the Symbology requests in the Symbology folde in the collection.


Please also refer the Postman Tutorials regarding how to use the collection on the Postman.

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