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How to replicate news monitor search result using Python API?

I am getting an error using the ek.get_news_headlines function. Kindly see screenshots attached for error message and the news headline page that I am trying to replicate via the Python API. Thanks.1715170402283.png1715170421347.png

#technologypython apinews
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Thank you for reaching out to us.

You can try the Refinitiv Data Library for Python instead. I can get three news headlines.



The examples are on GitHub.

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Could you elaborate what does P:[] in the search query do? A search for "PRXS" returns an empty dataframe but there were search results on the News Monitor app.

also, what is the difference between ek.get_news_headlines() and rd.news.get_headlines()?

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I used the same query string appeared on the News Monitor App. It has "P:" so you may need to contact the helpdesk support team directly via MyRefinitiv to verify the query.

If I remember correctly, ek.get_news_headlines can only get news headlines from News Wire while rd.news.get_headlines can get headlines from other sources.

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may i ask where on the News Monitor App could i retrieve the query string?

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Hi @benjamin.lee3 ,

In the News Monitor App, when you double-click on News Monitor App's search bar, the query string of the search you're performing in the app will be shown, for example, I double-clicked on the bar (when the arrow is pointing to)

then the query string is shown as P:[Forte Insurance Cambodia Plc], you can copy this string to perform the search with Python code


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