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BDS term request: Item State: Open / Suspect / Timeout / 'Request timed out.'

Hi, copied and paste the BDS example from How can I get a list of all RICs available on Refinitiv Real-time? | Devportal (

However, when I do the stuff in the tutorial, create the BDS term works good.

Then when I run the test app, I get this return value:


Item Name: msft_bds

Service Name: ELEKTRON_DD

Item State: Open / Suspect / Timeout / 'Request timed out.'

Item Name: msft_bds

Service Name: ELEKTRON_DD

Item State: Closed / Suspect / Not found / 'The record could not be found'


Their example with `.AV.O` works fine and returns data.

And the logs of RRTSC show this:

PREVENT REPLACE TAGBDS term closed, term={my_bds_term}, streamID={stream_id}, socketId={socket_id}

Someone knows why and how to fix this?


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Thank you for reaching out to us.

Please make sure that you are using the MMT_SYMBOL_LIST domain in the request message.

            appClient, 0);

If you are using the MMT_SYMBOL_LIST domain and the server still returns 'The record could not be found', it could be the problem on the server side.

Item Name: msft_bds
Service Name: ELEKTRON_DD

Item State: Closed / Suspect / Not found / 'The record could not be found'

Please contact the product support team (BDS) directly via MyRefinitiv to investigate this issue.

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