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How to get all possible values for `RCSUnderlyingProductGenealogy`

Hi! I'd like to figure out how to get all possible values for `RCSUnderlyingProductGenealogy`, to be able to easily search for commodities.

The filter part of my query is this:

`( (SearchAllCategoryv2 eq 'Commodities' and RCSUnderlyingProductGenealogy eq 'U:8') and (RCSUnderlyingProductGenealogy eq 'U:D\\U:5S' and (not (CallPutOption xeq 'Call') and not (CallPutOption xeq 'Put'))))`

Thank you!

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Hi @mark.szulyovszky

You can use Navigators to pull out all possible values for this property.

For example:

response = search.Definition(
    top = 0,
    filter = "SearchAllCategoryv2 eq 'Commodities' and not(CallPutOption xeq 'Call') and " \
             "not (CallPutOption xeq 'Put')",
    navigators = "RCSUnderlyingProductGenealogy"

You can find many examples within GitHub.

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