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Workspace API returns NaT for some fields, but in Data Item Browser there is full value for these fields

When using Workspace API in Python under Windows 10, some fields produce "NaT" results, but these fields have full values in Data Item Browser.

E.g. the Python command

df=rd.get_data(['MMM.N','BAG.L','AOS.N'], ['TR.ISUpdateType','TR.IsISFlashUpdated','TR.IsBSFlashUpdated','TR.IsCFFlashUpdated'], parameters={'NULL':'Blank'})

produces no results for the required fields.

How can one obtain the values for these fields in Python?

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@IoannisG Thanks for your question - have you tried:

import refinitiv.data as rd


There are also more StTypes available - please see the Data Item Browser (type DIB into Eikon/WS Search bar) and search for 'Update Type' or 'Is Flash Updated' - on the right had pane - look at the parameter settings.

I hope this can help.

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