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Data retrival for delisted ETFs

Hi Team,

trying to get benchmark name and ric for several ETFs (using their respective rics).

The following code works perfectly for listed/ active ETFs:

fields = ["TR.FundBenchmarkName", "TR.FundBenchmarkType", "TR.FundBenchmarkInstrumentRIC"]
ric = "SPY"
benchs = rd.get_data(ric, fields=fields)

However, for all delisted/ liquidated ETFs usually no data is returned or is missing, e.g., ric = "AAIT.O^H15"

I wasn't able to make it work using the search function if that would be an alternative [rdp.search()]

Is there any way to retrieve that data using the python API?

workspace#technologypython apihistoricalrefinitiv-data-librariesetf
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posting the response from the content team for reference -

Note:- It extracts the data for delisted RIC, but in this example, AAIT.O^H15, there is no Fund Manager benchmark index is mapped. If any index is fees liable index, we don't map Fund benchmark details to any ETF/Funds.

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Hi @lanzani.juli ,

I have raised a content query (case id- 13628947) on your behalf, you will receive an email shortly.

Best regards,


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Hi @lanzani.juli , Your sample functions are using contents from Lipper (i.e. TR.Fundxxxxx), but from Lipper's perspective (i.e., data from fund companies, not exchanges), the "non-active" funds (liquidated and merged) funds currently are not supported on the Workspace platform. Liquidated and merged funds (historical data) are supported on Lipper Funds API and other Lipper products/services.

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