@nick.zincone Hi, I am using EIKON API to retrieve Fund constituents using Python ("EAP" in sequel) script shown below. Upon comparing it with what I get from EIKON box (Derived Holding), I see a "slightly" different picture
a. "EAP"result gives a total of weights equal to ~300% whereas EIKON box shows 100% ("ACCOUNTS PAYABLE" which accounts for -200% is missing from "EAP" result together with some smaller stuff.
b. EIKON Box Derived Holdings is ~2,200 rows, whereas the "EAP" result is ~2,000rows ..
Is there an explanation?
Many thanks in advance, Grigorios
fundISIN = "CH0214985100"
fieldSet = ["TR.FundHoldingRIC", "TR.FundHoldingRIC", "TR.FundCountryOfDomicile","TR.FundHoldingName",
"TR.FundLatestFilingDate", "TR.FundNumberOfShares", "TR.FundNumberOfSharesChanged", "TR.FundPercentageOfFundAssets"]
fund_Info, err = ek.get_data(fundISIN, fieldSet, {'StartNum':1, 'EndNum':2000})
mysum = fund_Info["Percentage of Fund Assets"].sum()
# 300.5548