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Please find below an example of pulling BID ASK Data:

fund_data = rd.get_history(universe="VOE", fields=fields, interval="1D", start='2006-10-01', end='2006-11-01')

I am seeing huge jumps in the BID-ASK spread (I have observed this for other rics and time periods too).

What is the reason for the ASK price jumping from 53.1 to 201000.9844 back and forth while the bid price drops to 0.01. The closing price and NAV seem to reflect more reasonable prices.

Is there something wrong with my request or the way I am pulling the data?

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Hi @lanzani.juli

It's possible the jump may be occurring outside of trading hours. Every exchange performs after hours activity, such as a closing run and some may have inactive trading hours which may send out values that don't make sense. If you believe the odd jumping of values in the spread should not be happening, you can contact the helpdesk ("Get Help & Support" (F1)) within the desktop and they will bring in content expert to provide an explanation.

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