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Using Eikon API to retrieve the filing dates of annual reports and ESG reports

I am trying to retrieve the filing dates of annual reports and ESG reports using a search query similar to, and I've met several confusing issues.

api_key = 'my api key'

isin_df = pd.read_csv('my path/retrieve dates/ isin_list.csv')
isin_list = isin_df['isin'].tolist()

fields = [
    'TR.ISSourceDate', 'TR.ISSource', 'TR.ISOriginalAnnouncementDate', 'TR.ISPeriodEndDate', 'TR.ISPeriodEndDate.fpa'

params = {'SDate': '2000-01-01', 'EDate': '2022-07-05'}

    # retrieve data
    df, err = ek.get_data(instruments=isin_list, fields=fields, parameters=params)
    if df is None or err is not None:
        raise ValueError("API request failed or returned None. Error: {}".format(err))
    # print results

This is a sample of my code, I am using Python under MacOS.

1. Similar to the problem met by @researcher2, the search query gave me some dates different from the search results in Refinitiv workspace. Take Apple Inc. as an example, the data retrieved by the search query is like:


However, the dates retrieved are quite different to the results I found in the Refinitiv workspace.


Comparing the two snapshots, only the 'income statement period end date' and 'document date' are exactly the same. But for the others, I cannot tell whether the 'income statement source date' corresponds to 'receipt date' or 'filing date'. I am wondering is this the correct search query for retrieving filing dates, or due to I didn't get the right dates in Refinitiv workspace?

2. For the sustainability/ESG reports, I want all filing dates for the files under the 'company filings - company periodic reports - ESG disclosure' category. Where can I find the corresponding field names for retrieving ESG report filing dates?

Thanks for any help!

eikon-data-api#contentpython apiesgdatereports
1719201076347.png (168.0 KiB)
1719201259530.png (352.8 KiB)
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Thank you for reaching out to us.

As this forum is more for programming type queries, rather than content queries - I would recommend you raise a 'I need help understanding content within the product' ticket with our helpdesk.

That way a Content specialist can work closely with you and verify the assumption.

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