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market cap in refinitiv data api where gui app has the right answer


when i query refintiiv data for the market cap


for cusip:


i get back <NA>

in refinitiv workspace DIB i see a real number here

what is giong on?

#technology#contentpython api
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Hi @mjg

I don't believe the API to get the data directly accepts a Cusip - you will need a step to convert. For example:


1720705358231.png (25.2 KiB)
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cusips are my typical argument to the call i make, i pass thousands of them and get the right data back for all but a few

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this is the call i make, i have never noticed a problem with cusips as an input to universe, it is the standard way i use the api. i only noticed a few missing market caps of the 5,000 or so cusips i query for today bc i happened to fail a unit test for a random symbol i was checking valid output for.

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Hi @mjg

There may be a logical explanation or possible issue why specific codes work and others do not. I would recommend you reach out to the Desktop Helpdesk F1 - Get Help & Support, and they can bring in a specialist who can confirm why some Cusips do not work. They may have you try, or provide to you, an API within Excel as part of the investigation.

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