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How do we get informed of updates regarding Refinitiv BOT API?


Previously we could download the bot API via Refinitiv developer , but now I can't find the download link anymore, the closest I could find is a GitHub repo (latest version is 1.5.0 Oct 2023):

LSEG-API-Samples/Example.MessengerChatBot.Python: The Messenger Bot API example/demo source code in Python language. (

Is this where updates to the bot API code will be made in future?

Keng Onn

PS Thanks for all the work done in maintaining this!

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Hello @kengonn.wong

Please be informed that the Messenger Bot API is now deprecated. Unfortunately, I do not any information about the replacement product or service. I strongly suggest you contact the following person for more detail:

Alternatively, you can submit a support ticket to the Messenger team directly via website.


I hope this information helps.

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Sorry for the delay in replying, I've contacted our account manager and Dino as well. Waiting for their replies (since 16 July)... I also submitted a support ticket to the Messenger team directly as well. Hopefully will get a reply soon.

Thanks for your answer, it was very helpful :)

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