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Not same fields available from .Net vs Python for get_history


It seems that we cannot query the same fields for historical prices from Python and .Net.

We would like to query TR.TotalReturn in the .Net C# API as such :

var response = Summaries.Definition(new List<string>() {"0001.HK"})
                        .Fields(new List<string>() {"TR.TotalReturn"})            

But it seems this is not in the available fields

From Python we are able to do it using the get_history

Can you please help to check how we can get the TR.TotalReturn history via C# .Net API?


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Thank you for reaching out to us.

To get the TR fields, you can use the FundamentalAndReference. Please check these examples.

The code looks like this:

var sdate= "2024-06-01";
var edate = "2024-06-30";
response = FundamentalAndReference.Definition().Universe("0001.HK")
                                               .Parameters(new Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject()
                                                   ["SDATE"] = sdate,
                                                   ["EDATE"] = edate,
                                                   ["FRQ"] = "D"

You can use the Data Item Browser tool to search for fields and parameters.

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Hello Jirapongse,

Thanks for your reply.

I tried the above and it does give values but it seems that sometimes some duplicated values.

var sdate = "2023-08-30";
var edate = "2023-09-10";
response = FundamentalAndReference.Definition().Universe("0001.HK")
                                               .Parameters(new Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject()
                                                   ["SDATE"] = sdate,
                                                   ["EDATE"] = edate,
                                                   ["FRQ"] = "D"

This is what we observe for example.


Can you check if you see the same?

From the Python API, the data is not duplicated.


data.png (25.0 KiB)

I checked in the Workspace Excel with the following formula.

=@RDP.Data("0001.HK","TR.PriceCloseDate;TR.PriceClose","Frq=D SDate=2023-08-30 EDate=2023-10-09 CH=Fd RH=IN",E2)

It also returns the duplicated entries.


Please contact the helpdesk directly via MyAccount to verify the retrieved data.

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