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World-Check one api result analyze

1: I called the API and passed in my name, birthday, and ID information. I hope to return results that meet all the above conditions, but in fact, a lot of fuzzy matching data is returned. For example, I entered James Smith, but the returned results include James Davies. Do I need to filter the results myself? Or how to set it up when calling the API to meet my needs.

2: I need to know whether the user is involved in financial crimes such as anti-money laundering. How can I get this data from the results of the world check one API.

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Thank you for reaching out. Below is the response to your questions:

To Question 1:

Below are the World Check screening settings that you can configure to help reduce the screening results you are receiving for the screened entity.

  1. Matching Threshold: Log in to your WC1 UI and navigate to the admin section. There, you will find the “World Check Settings” section, where you can configure the matching threshold. This setting can range from “fuzzy” to “exact.” For example, if you set the matching threshold to “fuzzy,” you will see a broader range of results. Conversely, setting it to “exact” will display a narrower set of results. Note: We highly recommend testing the above under a testing group first and adjusting the matching threshold based on your risk appetite.

  2. Auto Resolution Settings: You have two options that you can configure for auto resolution:

    • Auto Resolve as False: If this option is selected, during the screening process, records that do not match the secondary identifiers you have provided (such as date of birth, gender, country, etc.) will be automatically resolved as false.
    • Remove from Results: If this option is selected, records that do not match the secondary identifiers provided will be excluded from your results response.

To Question 2:

When you screen an entity using the screeningRequest endpoint, you can check the “category” field in the API response to determine the category under which the record falls. For more specific details about the record and to understand its source, use the referenceId of the matched World Check record and utilize the records endpoint. In the API response, the “sources” array will indicate the source identifier from which the record originates.

I hope this helps! If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please feel free to ask.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.