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1\. Are you allowed to access the Refinitiv Data Platform real-time services via websocket

1\. Are you allowed to access the Refinitiv Data Platform real-time services via websocket.
2\. If you are: what is the hostname and authHostName (the authentication hostname) , they could be the same.
3\. What is the current and relevant code example in either Python or C#.
4\. Is there updated documentation that we can read.

workspacerefinitiv-realtime#technologyrdp-apipython apiwebsockets
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@papineni.saikrishna ok so they will not be able to use the websocket endpoint on RDP. They will be able to use the websocket on UDF. This is accessible using the Refinitiv Data Libraries (Python, .NET and TypeScript versions are available). Full documentation and examples are available on those pages or in our github repos Python, .NET. I hope this is ok for you. There are a number of streaming examples there, snapshot, cache, asynchronous etc. You can also use the Python library in the CodeBook App (type CODEBK into Eikon search bar). There you will see both Access and Content layer examples - see below:


I hope this can help.

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@papineni.saikrishna Are you a desktop user (Eikon or Workspace)? thanks

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Hi Jason,

I have raised this on behalf of client. client is using eikon

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Hi Jason,

I have raised this on behalf of client. client is using eikon

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Hello @papineni.saikrishna

I did a quick test with the Data Library for Python example TUT_3.1.01-OMMStream-MarketPrice.ipynb on the Data Library for Python examples - GitHub repository with the Desktop session. It can get the streaming data via WebSocket on UDF as mentioned by my colleague above.

Note: Please check with the client's Account Manager to confirm if the client has a permission to access the Real-Time data.

The Deliver Platform (RDP - formerly known as Refinitiv Data Platform) is a separate product. It does not include with the Desktop license.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.