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Is Client_ID and Client_Secret the exact same thing as App Key in RDP?

I need to retrieve the Client Number, Client Secret, and App Key to be able to use an API in Python. I was recently referred to APPKEY with the steps below:

Refer to the steps below to generate the App Key:
1. Type in APPKEY in the search bar
2. Select Eikon Data API checkbox for generating an AppKey.
3. Click the ‘Register’ New App button

Note: To get data, you will have to use either Eikon or Refinitiv Workspace. Web version cannot be used in the python API.


There is however an application called CodeBook available, which is also accessible from Workspace Web. It is a Jupyter hosted environment in the cloud which can allow you to build program using Python. Type on CODEBOOK to launch it.

Note: Codebook uses its own appkey - DEFAULT_CODE_BOOK_APP_KEY

However, I still need the Client Secret and I was advised that its value is the same with the App Key. Is this updated and still true? If not, how can I retrieve the Client Number/ID and Client Secret?

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Hi @Eugene Torres,

If you are using Eikon/Workspace or Codebook, you do not need the Client Secret.

Client_ID and Client_Secret is used for v2 authentication with Data Platform (RDP) or Realtime Optimized (RTO) streaming data.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.