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PermID API: Recently issued PermIDs

Hi All
I am reaching out to seek your assistance with an inquiry related to the LSEG Permanent Identifiers (PermID) API service, available at

Specifically, I am interested in understanding whether it is possible to submit a request to the PermID API to obtain a list of all the newly issued permanent identifiers—across various identifier types, such as QuotePermID, InstrPermID, OrgPermID, etc.—over a specified period, such as the past week.

Could you please advise if this functionality is supported by the PermID API? If so, could you provide details on the appropriate API endpoint and any required parameters to achieve this? I would greatly appreciate it if you could direct this inquiry to the appropriate team or provide further guidance on how we can proceed with this request.

I am happy to discuss this matter in more detail if needed. Thank you very much for your assistance.

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

The Open PermID API doesn't provide this functionality. It provides the search functionality but the query parameters are such as Tickers, RICs, and names.

For more information, please refer to the PermID - Entity Search - RESTful API.

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Hi @Jirapongse
Thank you for your prompt response and clarification regarding the current capabilities of the Open PermID API.

Given that the API does not currently support the functionality to retrieve a list of newly issued permanent identifiers over a specified period, could you please advise on whether there are any plans to eventually introduce this feature? Specifically, I am interested in understanding the rationale behind the current limitations and whether this use case has been considered for future API enhancements.

If this functionality is under consideration, could you provide an estimated timeline or further details? If not, I would appreciate any alternative suggestions or workarounds that could address this need.

Thank you for your time and assistance

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