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.NET Refinitiv Data - streaming price/RTO region selection

Hi @wasin.w ,

As pointed out by you in it is possible to choose streaming region for SQS subscription - how can we achieve that with .NET Refinitiv Data library? Specifically using Refinitiv.Data version 1.0.0-beta5

thank you

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Hello @lukasz.druczak

Please be informed that the SQS and the Platform Streaming endpoint are "different service".

The SQS Service

The SQS service is the Amazon Simple Queue Service. It uses by the RDP Alert, RDP News Subscription, or RDP Message Queue related service.

Our SQS service supports only one region server which is AWS us-east-1.

The Platform Streaming

The Platform Streaming service is based on the LSEG Real-Time Optimized (RTO)/Wealth Solution services for providing the streaming real-time market data for consumers. It is the LSEG Real-Time Platform deployed on AWS cloud. It used by the Real-Time APIs.

Our RTO/Streaming for Wealth service supports various regions of the streaming endpoints.

Then, let get back to the question "Is it possible to choose streaming region for SQS subscription - how can we achieve that with .NET Refinitiv Data library? Specifically using Refinitiv.Data version 1.0.0-beta5".

The answer is no, you cannot. Our SQS service supports only one region server which is AWS us-east-1.

You can contact the RDP Support team and submit a support ticket for an enhancement request via website.

I hope this information helps.

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Up to 2 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 512.0 KiB each and 1.0 MiB total.