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install the refinitiv library for python

I have just tried to install the refinitiv library for python on my computer.
Unfortunately there are “unsolvable” version conflicts - see screenshot attached
Apparently the library only supports outdated pandas (max 1.6.0)
versions (I have installed 2.2.2), which are not compatible with the installed Python
version installed.


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Hello @CarloJason.Arcega

It is advisable to create a new virtual/conda environment to avoid dependency conflicts.

I did a quick test with the following steps, it installs the Data Library successfully.

Firstly, create a new conda environment in my machine with the following command:

(base)$>conda create --name rd_conda python=3.10

Once a new environment creation is finished, activate that environment

(base)$>conda activate rd_conda

On the rd_conda environment (you will be noticed that the prompt does not show "base" anymore, install the Data Library for Python

(rd_conda)$>conda install conda-forge::refinitiv-data



After you finish using this environment, you can deactivate it with the following command:

(rd_conda)$>conda deactivate

More useful resources about the Python Virtual Environment

conda-1.png (83.6 KiB)
conda-2.png (80.8 KiB)
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