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Pricehistory for Date Range get Requested Date in Result

I am doing the following Request in code book, that i need to replicate in C#

import refinitiv.data as rd
df = rd.get_data(
    universe = ['NCSM.O','ZYNE.O'],
    fields = [
        'SDate': '2024-09-11',
        'EDate': '2024-09-01'


And i get this result


0 NCSM.O20.415902 2024-09-11 
1 NCSM.O20.884412988 2024-09-10
2 NCSM.O21.555194 2024-09-09
3 NCSM.O20.864047 2024-09-06
4 NCSM.O21.1711898 2024-09-05
5 NCSM.O20.964102 2024-09-04
6 NCSM.O20.7418982 2024-09-03
7 ZYNE.O1.302023-10-10
8 ZYNE.O1.302023-10-10
9 ZYNE.O1.302023-10-10
10 ZYNE.O1.302023-10-10
11 ZYNE.O1.302023-10-10
12 ZYNE.O1.302023-10-10
13 ZYNE.O1.302023-10-10

As you see for ZYNE i get the Last Priced Date,
Is there a way i can add to my series, the date that the response is for?
for example

7 ZYNE.O1.302023-10-10.2024-09-11
8 ZYNE.O1.302023-10-10.2024-09-10
9 ZYNE.O1.302023-10-10.2024-09-09
10 ZYNE.O1.302023-10-10.2024-09-06
11 ZYNE.O1.302023-10-10.2024-09-05
12 ZYNE.O1.302023-10-10.2024-09-04
13 ZYNE.O1.302023-10-10.2024-09-03

Here is the code i use to run in C#

                Frame<int, string> frame = privateEikon.GetData(
                    new Dictionary<string, string> { { "SDate", startDate }, { "EDate", endDate }, { "Frq", "D" } }

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to clarify the reason i need to do this, is becuase i request a group of fields, incluiding volumen a vwap, and this is important to know for what date i requested it.

1 Answer

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Thank you for reaching out to us.

I found that the ZYNE.O has been delisted in 2023 and the lastest price was on 10-10-2023. You can contact the content support team directly via MyAccount to verify this.

For C#, please use the Refinitiv Data Library for .Net. The sample code is available on GitHub. The code looks like this:

                response = FundamentalAndReference.Definition().Universe("NCSM.O","ZYNE.O")
                                                               .Parameters(new Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject()
                                                                   ["SDATE"] = "2024-09-01",
                                                                   ["EDATE"] = "2024-09-11",
                                                                   ["FRQ"] = "D"

The output is:


If the product returns the close price of ZYNE.O on 2024-09-11, it will confuse many users because this RIC is not a valid RIC anymore.

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