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What's the differences between several municipal bonds dataset

Hi team,

I am trying to retrieve issue data for U.S. municipal bonds.

Currently, I’ve found a dataset called “U.S. Municipal New Issues” under the SDC app, which contains 334 fields and can be directly downloaded through Refinitiv Workspace.

Additionally, when I navigate to Fixed Income – U.S. Municipal in Refinitiv Workspace, I can find some new issue information. However, field selection is not available in the workspace, and each time I can only access two years of data.

Lastly, using the RD API, I found a third dataset under search.Views.MUNICIPAL_INSTRUMENTS, which contains 712 fields.

I’m trying to understand the relationship between these datasets. Are the second and third datasets the same? Which one provides more comprehensive information? And why aren’t they combined into a single source?

Thanks in advance for your suggestions!

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