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Corporate Events in Python API


I am trying to get fetch data akin to the "Corporate Events" page of Eikon web (see image) via Eikon Python API or Excel formula but I cannot find the exact information I'm looking for, specifically Trade Suspension/Activation.

I tried with the following python script:

df, err = ek.get_data(['BLISSf.BK'],[
'TR.CACorpActDesc(SDate=0D, EDate=20070101,CAEventType=All)','TR.CACorpActEventType(SDate=0D, EDate=20070101,CAEventType=All)'])

The result was a bit underwhelming as only share split and BOD meeting information returned.

Any suggestion is welcome. Thank you.

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I suggest you contact Thomson Reuters Helpdesk by either calling the Helpdesk phone number in your country or by using Contact Us capability in Eikon application, and ask them whether trading halts data can be retrieved into Eikon Excel. If they tell you the field name and parameters you can utilize in =TR worksheet function in Eikon Excel, then you can use the same field names and parameters in Eikon Python API.

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