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get_data produces multiple identical lines

I am pulling a time series using get_data, and for some ids I get multiple identical lines. What causes such behavior?

data_frame<- data.table(get_data(list("NO0003019002"), list('TR.PriceClose(SDate=19890101,EDate=20170805,Curn=NOK).date','TR.PriceClose(SDate=19890101,EDate=20170805,Curn=NOK)'),debug=F))

data_frame has 4060 lines, while unique(data_frame) has 117. Note, that it is not due to prices staying the same, as one of the columns is the time stamp.

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The result is similar in Eikon EXCEL :

=TR("NO0003019002";"TR.PriceClose.date;TR.PriceClose";"CH=Fd RH=IN SDate=19890101 EDate=20170805 Curn=NOK")

7227 rows but a lot of duplicate rows.

I'll escalate the issue

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Interesting: the number of rows produced by API and Excel is not the same as you got 7227 lines, while I got 4060 in the API. Even though both share the duplicate row problem.

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