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SP1500 displays only 1291 lines

When I query the SPSUPX (SP1500) it returns only 1291 lines; is this normal?

import eikon as ek import csv # Constituents SP1500
index = '.SPSUPX'
constituents, err = ek.get_data(index, fields= ['TR.IndexConstituentRIC','TR.IndexConstituentName'])
constituents.to_csv('SP1500.csv', sep=';', index=False)
sp1500.png (160.4 KiB)
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According to S&P, the number of constituents should be 1506. Since Eikon Excel is showing me the same amount that you reported, I suggest that you address this and any content related issues to your local Thomson Reuters Support Desk

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Refer RIC<.SPSUP> instead of <.SPSUPX> since it makes no difference as it is been mirrored with, SPSUP. currently they have stopped updating .SPSUPX. Because it is the mirror Index of .SPSUP.

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